(通讯员/徐璟瑶)9月28日上午,2024杭州国际人才交流与项目合作大会隆重开幕,会上,北航国新院自旋芯片与技术全国重点实验室艾梅尔(Sylvain EIMER)副教授荣获2024年度杭州市外国专家“钱江友谊使者”称号。
“Receiving the Qianjiang Friendship Award from the city of Hangzhou is a profound honor and a moment of pride in my career. This recognition not only acknowledges personal contributions but also symbolizes the strong ties between France and China. Hangzhou, a city renowned for its rich history, dynamic innovation, and cultural significance, perfectly embodies the spirit of collaboration that has defined our cooperation over the years. I am deeply grateful for this award, which highlights the importance of international partnerships and cross-cultural exchanges. The bond between China and France continues to strengthen through shared values and projects, creating opportunities for mutual growth. It has been a privilege to play a part in fostering these connections, and I am excited about the future of our collaboration. This award motivates me to deepen these efforts and contribute further to the enduring friendship between our two nations.”
△ 艾梅尔为左二
(审核:洪冠新 张巍)