
北航中法航空学院招聘教学事务协调人及法语教师(杭州)Recruitment of an Academic Coordinator and FLE Faculty at Zhongfa Aviation Institute of Beihang University







1. 教学事务协调人(1名)

  • 设计制定法语培养方案,协调中外方教师的法语教学安排;

  • 协助建设外籍法语师资队伍;

  • 协助完成学位评定工作;

  • 每周进行一定课时的法语课程教学;

  • 对法语文书工作及外事活动开展提供协助和支持。

2. 外方法语教师(若干名)

  • 每周进行16课时的法语课程教学(45分钟/课时),课程难度从A1到B2不等;

  • 参与教学研究、教研组例会及与教学相关的各项工作;

  • 参加学院外事相关的活动,并提供必要支持。

3. 中方法语教师(若干名)

  • 每周进行10课时的法语课程教学(45分钟/课时),课程难度从A1到B2不等;

  • 参与教学研究、教研组例会及与教学相关的各项工作;

  • 申请学校教学改革、教学研究项目;

  • 参加学院外事相关的活动,并提供必要支持。


1. 教学事务协调人

  • 法语为母语;

  • 可于2023年9月前全职到杭州工作;

  • 教育或相关专业硕士及以上学历;

  • 具有FLE教学经验,有5年以上教学工作经历的优先考虑;

  • 较强的组织协调及沟通能力,对学生培养工作有专业的理解和认识。

2. 外方法语教师

  • 法语为母语,具有对外法语或相关专业硕士及以上学历;

  • 可于2023年9月前全职到杭州工作;

  • 熟悉CECR、DELF-DALF等法语语言考试;

  • 有法语教学工作经历,或具备学科专业法语技能的优先考虑;

  • 工作态度认真,有活力,对文化开放包容。

3. 中方法语教师

  • 法语语言文学硕士及以上学历,相当于C1及以上水平或法语专业八级;

  • 可于2023年9月前全职到杭州工作;

  • 熟悉CECR、DELF-DALF等法语语言考试;

  • 有法语教学工作经历,或具备学科专业法语技能的优先考虑;

  • 工作态度认真,有活力,对文化开放包容。


• 提供具有国际竞争力的薪酬待遇,根据资历调整,一人一议;

• 可申请校内公寓;

• 中方教师需按照杭州市事业单位公开招聘流程参加聘用考核,聘用单位为杭州市北京航空航天大学中法航空研究院。


• 个人简历(法语、英语各一份);

• 《北航中法航空学院教学岗位申请表》(请见附件,英语填写)。



 联系电话:+86(0)571 89308159;


I. About us

Zhongfa Aviation Institute of Beihang University is a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school established by Beihang University and Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC). The school is affiliated to Beihang University and funded by the local governments in Zhejiang. Embracing the French engineering education system, the school is dedicated to cultivating well-rounded talents with innovative and international mindedness. Students matriculation will start in September 2023. Our FLE courses will take communicative and action-oriented approaches to equip students with good French competency for future study in specific fields.

The school campus is situated in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang. The picturesque campus will provide the most conducive environment for students and staff to live and work.

II. Responsibilities

1. Academic Coordinator (Vacancies1)

  • Develop FLE curricula, coordinate FLE teaching arrangements for Chinese and foreign faculty;

  • Assist in recruiting foreign FLE faculty;

  • Assist in degree evaluation;

  • Deliver certain hours of French courses per week;

  • Assist in French paperwork and support international events when necessary.

2. Foreign FLE faculty (Vacanciesmultiple)

  • Deliver 16 hours of French courses (ranging from A1 to B2) per week (45min/session);

  • Participate in pedagogical research, regular meetings of teaching groups, and complete other teaching-related work;

  • Participate in and support international events of the Institute.

3. Chinese FLE faculty (Vacanciesmultiple)

  • Deliver 10 hours of French courses (ranging from A1 to B2) per week (45min/session);

  • Participate in regular meetings of teaching groups, complete other teaching-related work;

  • Apply for pedagogical research and reform projects of the university;

  • Participate in and support international events of the Institute.

III. Requirements

1. Academic Coordinator

  • Native French speaker;

  • Be able to work full-time in Hangzhou before Sept. 2023;

  • Mater degree or above in Education, Pedagogy or related fields;

  • More than 5 years of experience in teaching is a plus;

  • Strong coordinating and communication skills, deep understanding in student development.

2. Foreign FLE Faculty

  • Native French speaker, Mater degree or above in FLE or related fields;

  • Be able to work full-time in Hangzhou before Sept. 2023;

  • Strong familiarity with CECR, DELF-DALF etc.;

  • Experience with FLE or knowledge of French in specific disciplines is a plus;

  • Strong work ethic, cross-cultural awareness, and dynamism.

3. Chinese FLE Faculty

  • Mater degree or above in French literature or FLE, reach C1 or TFS8 level in French;

  • Be able to work full-time in Hangzhou before Sept. 2023;

  • Strong familiarity with CECR, DALF etc.;

  • Experience with FLE or knowledge of French in specific disciplines is a plus;

  • Strong work ethic, cross-cultural awareness, and dynamism.

IV. Salary and benefits

• Internationally competitive salary, adjustment will be made according to qualifications;

• A rent-free apartment on campus.

V. Application materials

• CV (in both French and English);

• Teaching Position Application Form (attached, please complete the form in English).

VI. Instructions for applicants

To apply, please send the above documents as PDF file to xujingyao@buaa.edu.cn before 30th June.

Please indicate “Position - Applicant’s name - Information source” in the email subject and the CV attachment title.

Tel.: +86(0)571 89308159;

Address of the campus: Shuang Hong Qiao Road 166, Yuhang District, Hangzhou 311115, China.