孙功凌教授现任联合国附属空间科技教育亚太区域中心(中国)首席科学家。1988年至1993年任中国运载火箭技术研究院总体设计工程师、高级工程师,中国运载火箭技术研究院Intelsat 7A通信卫星发射服务项目经理;1993年至2000年任中国载人航天工程筹备组成员、总体室高级工程师,工程首任总设计师王永志院士技术助手;2000年至2009年担任中国航天科技集团和德国宇航公司的合资企业 - 德国华德宇航有限公司(EurasSpace GmbH)总经理;2009年至2017年任中国航天科技集团驻欧洲代表处创办人、首席代表,中国航天科技集团国际业务部高级专务、研究员。2017年至2023年底入职国际空间大学担任访问教授、全职教授,航天经济管理教研室主任,学校副教务长。
国际宇航科学院院士,国际月球科研站大科学工程国际合作专家组成员,国际月球村协会理事,期刊Space : Science & Technology编委,第22届 Symposium on Visions and Strategies for the Future大会共同主席。
Prof. Gongling Sun is principal scientist of Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (Affiliated to the United Nations).
He held several senior executive positions both in China and Europe. He was a system engineer of launch vehicle design and project manager of Intelsat-7A satellite launching services in China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT). He became a founding member of China Manned Space Agency in 1993 and worked as senior engineer and General Designer Assistant for China Manned Space Program after the maiden flight at the end of 1999. He worked as Managing Director of EurasSpace GmbH, a company of CASC and Deutsche Aerospace joint venture based in Munich for 8 years. He founded CASC European Office based in Paris and served as the Prime Representative from until 2017. He is an expert of system design for human space flight, space business development, large project management, project financing and insurance, and export license management. He played an important role international cooperation in space activities between China and Europe in last 23 years.
Mr. Sun worked as educator in past 7 years. He was a visiting professor, full professor of Space System Engineering and Space Policy, faculty lead to Business and Management in Masters of Space Studies, co-chair of team project in Space Studies Program (SSP 22 & 23) at International Space University (ISU), where he is deputy dean as well.
Other activities:
Professor Sun is member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA); board member of Moon Village Association (MVA); board member of advisory committee of the International Lunar Research Station in CNSA, editorial member of Space: Science & Technology, and co-chair of the 22nd IAA Symposium on Visions and Strategies for the Future in Milano 2024.