Amara Amara,原法国巴黎高等电子学院教授,主要从事低功率、先进非易失存储设计、低功率数字电路设计等方面研究工作。现担任IEEE CASS(电路与系统分会)提名委员会主席、指导委员会委员,IEEE ISCAS’24 国际会议主席,曾担任IEEE ISICAS’21/19/18和IEEE ISICAS’21国际学术会议的共同主席。2020-2021年担任IEEE CASS主席,2014-2016年担任IEEE法国分会主席等职务。曾任法国巴黎高等电子学院(ISEP)执行院长、瑞士国家科学基金会及法国国家研究局等科研机构专家,联合指导19位博士研究生,发表SCI期刊论文近200篇。与法国原子能与替代能源委员会信息技术电子实验室CEA-LETI合作出版《双栅FD SOI器件和电路》、《新兴技术和电路》以及《TFET集成电路:从理论到现实》等著作。
Amara Amara, formerly a professor at the Paris Higher Institute of Electronics (ISEP), has been engaged in research on low-power, advanced non-volatile memory design, and low-power digital circuit design. He currently serves as the Chair of the IEEE CASS Nomination Committee and a member of the Steering Committee, and is the General Chair of IEEE ISCAS’24. Previously, he served as the Co-Chair of IEEE ISICAS’21/19/18 and the General Chair of IEEE ISICAS’21 international academic conferences. From 2020 to 2021, he held the hair of IEEE CASS, and from 2014 to 2016, he was the Chair of the IEEE France Section. Amara was formerly the Deputy Managing Director of the Paris Higher Institute of Electronics, and also served as an expert for research institutions such as the Swiss National Science Foundation and the French National Research Agency. He has jointly supervised 19 doctoral students and published nearly 200 papers in SCI journals. Collaborating with institutions such as the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA-LETI), he has contributed to the publication of works such as "Double-Gate FD SOI Devices and Circuits", "Emerging Technologies and Circuits", and "TFET Integrated Circuits: From Theory to Reality".